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minc skills

According to the CIPD, workforce planning is a process of analysing your current workforce, determining your future workforce needs, identifying the gap between the workforce you will have available and your future needs, and implementing solutions so that you can accomplish your mission, goals, and strategic plans. 

As part of our skills service we help small and medium sized businesses to do this, recognising we live in an age where skilled resource is in short supply and getting the most out of your team is paramount to business success. 

Not having the right people or the right skills in place will be a drain on management time, and a drain on revenue and profitability.

Skills: Text

Reviewing your current workforce

Understanding the demographic and skills set of your current workforce is the critical first step in understanding how to plan for your future needs. We can decipher this often mish mash of data into something meaningful that allows you to make the right decisions.

Determining your future workforce needs

Whether it’s high staff attrition levels, looming retirements or the addition of new technology to the business, understanding your future workforce numbers and skills sets will be vital in being one step ahead. We understand this and can model how this will all play out for you. A gap analysis showing what the differences from what you have today will ensue. This will generally lead to some form of recruitment or training to get you in a position to meet those future needs head on.

Implementing solutions

So you’ve understood what you’ve got, and what you need from the future and what the gap is between the two. So now the question is “how do we bridge that gap to meet the future challenges?” 

Our team of specialists can help you through the process of getting new recruitment right, developing training programmes to meet new skills needs or putting in place succession plans for your staff to rise. 

Getting your workforce planning is fundamental for business success. Get in touch with us now.

Skills: Services

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